Legislative Landscape 2024
ISMS members: Free
Non-ISMS members: $75.00
Course Description
Now that the Spring legislative session is wrapping up for 2024, ISMS is offering a webinar that will take an inside look at topics related to Illinois medicine!
Target Audience
ISMS members and their staffs
Additional information
The recommendations contained in this resource are not intended to define conduct that is appropriate in every case, should not be considered as establishing any standard of care, and do not constitute legal advice. Physicians, clinicians and healthcare providers should take care to ensure that all care rendered reflects the best clinical judgment and complies with the laws and regulations of the state or location at which the care was provided.
Erin O’Brien
Senior Vice President for State Legislative Affairs at the Illinois State Medical Society
Erin O’Brien has been employed with the Illinois State Medical Society since 2004. In her capacity as Senior Vice President for State Legislative Affairs, it is her responsibility to convey the organizations’ positions and policies to lawmakers on issues impacting the practice of medicine, physicians and their patients. She is also responsible for connecting legislators and other state officials to Illinois physicians to discuss important matters facing Illinois’ public health system and how to safely improve access to health care for all Illinois patients.
Erin O’Brien graduated from Marquette University where she majored in political science.
David Porter
Senior Vice President of Health Policy Research and Advocacy at the Illinois State Medical Society
David Porter is the Senior Vice President of Health Policy Research and Advocacy at the Illinois State Medical Society. In that role, he is dedicated to advancing physicians’ interests and protecting their ability to provide high-quality care to their patients. He and his team track all legislative and regulatory changes that may impact physicians’ professional lives – including issues like the licensure of healthcare professionals, the integration of health information technology into medical practice, and the constantly changing interface between physicians and public and private payers.
David holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Denison University in Granville, Ohio.